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  • Sunday, April 17, 2005
    Artifice Comics - http://www.artificecomics.com

    A Man Called Mongrel #1
    "And Leave The Rest To Heaven"
    By Derrick Ferguson
    "The Lossiu family suffers from a genetic disorder unique to them. It strikes the males in their family and causes them to suffer from a rapid and horribly painful and lingeringly hideous death that brings on insanity before the end comes. In symptoms it greatly resembles Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever. There's acute nausea, horrific headaches followed by bleeding of the internal organs and underneath the skin. All accompanied by frightening hallucinations and the feeling that ones nerve endings are being soaked in acid. Lossiu men had been known to kill themselves in the first stages of the disease rather than endure its ravages. Joseph showed me recordings made of the few family members who have endured the full stages of the illness." Sylvester shuddered. "I've seen some things in my time, Mongrel…but those images are ones I'll never forget. And they touched me. Joseph asked for my help in finding a cure for his family and I said I'd help."

    "When does this family curse strike? What age? Under what circumstances?"

    Sylvester shook his head. "It's a strange disease…it can strike at any time and sometimes it will even skip some male members and go on to others. It's a disease that has haunted the Lossiu family for close to two hundred years. I have to admit, I was flattered when Joseph asked me to help. I thought it would be another extraordinary triumph for the great Sylvester Henderson."

    Rebecca squeezed his hand. "There's no shame in you wanting to help out a friend. Your father and I raised you boys to put your talents and skills to the service of others. If this Lossiu boy thought you could help then it was your duty to do so."

    "I'm guessing that your finding a cure for the Lossiu family backfired?" Mongrel asked, folding his arms across his chest.

    "Mongrel, backfired isn't the word for it..."
    Shadestalker #11
    “Roses and Thorns” Rivalry Part II
    By James Queally
    Reggie Evans couldn't resist the urge to look over his shoulder. He had a sneaking suspicion that something or someone from his past would be there. Thankfully, he found the space between him and the sidewalk was devoid of anything but shadow. Normally, that would have been fine for Reggie, but normally wasn't a word that he used often these days.

    His suspicions fell by the wayside as a police car tore down the street, sirens blaring and lights flashing. The crowd of people he was lurking amongst found themselves bathed in alternating layers of blue and red light. Reggie didn't lift his head up to see where the cars were headed, nor did he ponder the kind of chaos they were surely getting themselves into. He was content with staring at the tar black stains on the sidewalk and wondering how they got there.

    It's probably just a supers' battle anyway.

    Reggie's head snapped back from the thought. The sudden jerking motion drew attention from the crowd of cell-phone abusing urbanites around him. One man in a long brown coat cocked an eyebrow in his direction, while a tragically obese woman who was sporting a purple pants-suit snorted and shook her head.

    "Lady, if I was you, I'd lay off the arrogant looks. They expose your chins, all three of them."

    posted by Jason Kenney Sunday, April 17, 2005 - - Post a Comment
